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Saturday, June 1, 2019

The City Pools Are Not Open?

          Are your kids ready to get in the water? 
Is the City of Englewood ready to comply with 
New Jersey's Public Bathing Rule Changes?
Why are the City pools still not open? 
They generally open by Memorial Day.

New Jersey State Sanitary Code Chapter IX 
Public Recreational

Facilities constructed prior to 9/7/10, must have bathrooms, which can be portable, and dressing rooms within 50 feet of the body of water or beach entrance. Existing condos that have all residences within 100 feet of the pool do not require a bathroom or dressing room
§ 8:26-6.1 General provisions ...PAGE 10

Reminder - Tryon Pool's bathroom facilities are across the street at the Field House.

What happened to the initiative to repair the Tryon Avenue pool? How much water is being lost everyday? This water is leaching into the Brook and will end up in Overpeck Creek where people fish.
Keep in mind that the Recreation Department uses the School
Buildings and grounds almost as much as the School District Programs with no charge.

Why then, is the public not allowed to use the bathroom and locker  room in the Middle School? Children are forced to cross Tryon Avenue and change or relieve themselves in the Field House. It is dirty, unkept and filled with stranger danger. Small children of either sex should not be allowed to use the Field House Facility without Supervision.

Is the City just avoiding the concept of Locker room Attendant. Is there Supervision in the Field House area?

The present problems with the changing and toilet area are a health and safety problem for the
public. The Board of Education and the City Council need to get back to the original agreement that was drawn up when the money was first accepted from Green Acres Open Space and provide a bathroom and changing area that is more amenable and safe for the public. The Citizens are being denied the use of facilities for which they pay.

We have watched one of our citizens complain very eloquently about the dressing room situation at Tryon Pool for years. I have always wondered why no one at City Council ever had an answer for her. Neither did any of the Council People seem
particularly interested. I think that the State of New Jersey just agreed with Ms. Hopewell. Perhaps Jeanne will be able to see the children in her neighborhood have a safe place to dress and use the bathroom facilities.
2 years straight I purchased a Pool Membership for myself and my grandchildren. It was an inconvenience to have to send someone with the child "across the street" to the Field House. The crosswalk leading to the Field House is also nothing special. It is time that more thought went into the Health and Safety of our Residents, especially the children and the old.

Powerpoint - New Jersey Department of Health  

Associations with pools: The New Jersey Law Blog

N.J.A.C. 8:26

Public Recreational Bathing Facts

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