School Discipline in New Jersey: A toolkit for students, families, and advocates
How to use this booklet
"All students and their families should know their rights, whether or not they seek to challenge a disciplinary decision. Well-informed students, families, educators and community stakeholders can use this information to advocate for fair disciplinary practices in their school and district.

This booklet has a lot of internet links that you can and should use to improve your school’s approach to discipline, get connected to other families and organizations working on changing school discipline, and get more information about protecting your rights.
If you have any trouble accessing these links, please contact the Education Law Center for printed versions of each link.
Know that this booklet is based on New Jersey state law. While your school’s code of conduct can give you more rights than this, it cannot give you fewer.
Be sure to review your local code, and contact the Education Law Center if it does not comply with state law.

School Discipline in New Jersey: A toolkit for students, families, and advocates
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