
Vote like the lives of your children depend on your doing so!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Englewood Council @Large Candidate Forum

In the community room of the SECIL, a small but engaged audience gathered for the Council At-Large debate organized by the Englewood Democratic Club. The candidates, each with their own unique perspectives and backgrounds, engaged the residents with their words. 

Charles Cobb, a seasoned leader, spoke of years spent in local 
government. His voice carried the weight of experience as he 
articulated his priorities and the importance of doing the 
hard work. "Englewood needs leadership that understands the  complexities of governance," he emphasized. "We must encourage community collaboration that benefits all residents, not just a select few." 

Horace Ragbir presented a historical perspective of city 
government with no faith in execution of the “Master Plan”. 
He spoke passionately about the changes he believed Englewood 
needed to see. Yet, behind his words, there was a hint of skepticism, 
as if the past had left him doubtful about the prospects of real 
change on the council. 

Sara Stroman, her energy contrasting sharply with the other candidates, spoke about her issues with the status quo. The self proclaimed “newbie," is determined to stay committed to Englewood regardless of the outcome of the election. The debate continued with focused responses to questions from the audience, each attempting to distinguish themselves as the best choice for Englewood's future. 

The absence of the fourth candidate did not go unnoticed, and murmurs began to spread through the audience. "If they can't bother to show up, they don't deserve our votes," someone muttered, voicing the sentiment of many in attendance. 

As the debate drew to a close, the candidates made their final remarks to the audience. Cobb reiterated his commitment to hard work and collaboration. Sarah, vowed to be a fresh voice that truly listens to the people of Englewood. Horace highlighted his past defeats, but continues to be steadfast in fighting for Englewood. In the end, the residents of Englewood would have a decision to make. Each candidate offered a different perspective, and it was up to the community to choose who they believe will lead Englewood forward.

Left to Right: Horace Ragbir, Charles Cobb, Sara Stroman


By Line: The Bergen County Black Caucus

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