Ricardo Whilby addresses the Englewood City Council

Each and every elected official on this council takes an oath to do the people's work. No preference is given to any religion or ethnicity, no preference is given to the have or have not's. We only hope that our elected officials will serve the interest of each and every one of their constituents fairly, without harm or malice to any group under the constitution of the United States Of America and the state of New Jersey.
I attend meetings regularly as a concerned and outraged citizen that has had enough of being a spectator to the systematic corruption, racism, and xenophobia, with a dash of machismo by cowardly, scared little boys stuck in the bodies of useless old men.
No elected official should be intimidated or threatened by any citizen to circumvent the collective will of the people to serve the single desire of special interest groups eager to expand their selfish agendas by any and all means. We are a society of laws and we expect each and every member of this governing body to abide by the law and not operate above it.
This includes the residency previsions of our city charter which Michael Cohen currently violates.
I hope that this new President of the City Council will spear head an investigation into this, and all matters of corruption that have destroyed hope here in Englewood for the disenfranchised. This fraud has made the ugly underbelly of a permanent culture of corruption standard operating procedure for many.
The most transparent thing about this house of cards is that it will collapse under the might of right. The unwavering courage of brave dissenters will never cease to shine the light of truth on the workers of evil.
Chapter 70"...For the purposes of this subsection, a person may have at most one principal residence, and the state of a person's principal residence means the state
(1) where the person spends the majority of his or her nonworking time, and
(2) which is most clearly the center of his or her domestic life, and
(3) which is designated as his or her legal address and legal residence for voting.
The fact that a person is domiciled in this State shall not by itself satisfy the requirement of principal residency hereunder..."
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