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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Quote What I say, Not What You Wanted to Hear From a Supposed Community Activist...

I have been accused of being reckless, fierce and a provocateur.

I own up to and stand behind whatever I say. People who know me are well aware of this fact. Those who do not know me are sometimes careless in words they attribute to me. I was quoted in the Suburbanite issue of December 5, 2013 as saying something that I did not say,  in response to the Surveillance cameras to be installed on Palisade Avenue. I was thinking it, but I did not say it or anything like it.

Quote from the Suburbanite Article: attributed to: Jonathan King and Stephanie Noda

Walker chimed in. "How can we be sure that this won't lead to targeting people?"

I never said that and I do not believe I heard anyone else use those exact words. Please do not quote me on things I did not say. Besides, I say enough stuff so that is entirely not necessary.

You may quote this: The people of this town deserve the truth about how circumstances unfold in situations such as these. We expect the truth even from an outgoing Police Chief. It would have been a simple thing to accept the responsibility of applying for the cameras exclusively.

What would the truth have changed?

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