
Vote like the lives of your children depend on your doing so!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Opportunity Is Knocking!!!

Two Small Women Against The Odds!!

I call that about even...

We give you 2 small powerful women. 

Now give them your votes and watch them 

be transformed 

into millions of smooth stones.

Get Out and Rock the Vote!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Voters in New Jeresey,

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all the time!This saying applies to Buono vs Christie for Governor of the Garden State. We need to send Governor Christie back to his "Civilian Job" so he doesn't hurt so many residents of Our State.

Christie refuses to tax the Wealthy in our State who have made more money than all the other sectors. Yet, Christie refuses to have those "Wealthy Folk" pay a little more. What Christie is doing is balancing the State Budget by cutting needed services to our most vulnerable residents. Vote for the Buono Democratic tickets and get Tea Party Christie sent back home to Civilian Life! Vote like your life depends on it, because that's exactly what is going down on Tuesday, November 05, 2013. Get out and Vote Democratic Party in New Jersey!!!