The following is a list of sample questions for a school board candidate during a candidates forum or for use in a questionnaire. 40 questions is a lot. These are universal or generic questions and are intended to give you an idea of what you might ask a School Board Candidate. There are many more possibilities that may be more specific to Englewood.

1. Why do you want to be a school board member?
2. Have you ever run for or been elected to public office?
3. In what ways have you been of service to public education prior to your becoming a candidate for the school board?
4. In what other ways (church, clubs, service organizations) have you been involved in our community?
5. What do you see as the future role of public education in our society?
6. Describe your top three objectives if elected to the school board?
7. Please state two or three major goals you want our school district to accomplish during your term of office, and describe the steps you would take to see that those goals are achieved.8. How would you improve learning conditions in the “high needs” schools? What kind of special training or
preparation will teachers in these schools need?
9. What suggestions do you have for recruiting and retaining teachers and other professionals in our school
10. How do you propose to maintain the public’s confidence in the School Board?
11. To be effective, a Board member must gain support from other members for his/her issues. Explain how
you plan to get other Board members to support your goals.
12. What are your budget priorities?
13. What role, if any, do you believe employee unions should play in school district decision making?
14. Do you support collective bargaining rights for public school employees?
15. In what ways do you find out what school district employees are thinking?
16. How much should the board seek out the views of teachers and other school district employees?
17. Board members must, at times, decide to support or to oppose controversial issues that have vocal
supporters on both sides. What process would you use, and with whom would you consult in making such decisions?
18. Do you favor privatizing (hiring private companies or individuals to perform work currently performed by
school district employees) any school district programs or services; academic, management, or support services? Why or why not?
19. Please list your organizational affiliations, groups and/or individuals that support or endorse your candidacy for the local school board. (You may enclose campaign materials resume, or other such material if you wish.)
20. In the development of a school district budget, what goals and objectives would guide your decision-
21. The legislature recently gave school districts permission to increase the portion of school employee health
insurance premiums that districts provide to 80% of the premium cost. Do you support increasing the
district paid portion of employee health insurance premiums?
and budget?

23. What are your financial priorities for the school district? (Examples: reduction in class size, improved technology in the classroom, maintaining current programs, increasing school employee compensation)
24. Describe how you would provide quality education for a diverse student population: i.e. the gifted and talented, the average student, special needs students, the physically challenged, the academically challenged, English language learners, and cultural differences?
25. What is your view on charter schools? What role should the local school board play in approving charter schools?
26. What role do you think public schools should play in ensuring that girls and women are given full
opportunity to achieve educational excellence?
27. What is your philosophy regarding the increased emphasis on testing to a standards-based curriculum?
28. What are your views on the role of religion in the public schools?
30. Do you favor abstinence-based sex education that urges children to abstain from sex, but also discusses birth control issues, or do you favor an abstinence-only education?
31. How do you respond to a parent, who wants the district to limit access to or remove books form the school library or classroom?
32. What is your position regarding vouchers? Do you believe that public money should be spent on private and religious schools and why? If you support vouchers, how can you justify seeking to be a member of a public school board?
33. Legislation establishes state policy. To what extent would you like to be involved in legislative activity?34. What do you believe your relationship should be to local, city, and county officials? How should the
board achieve this?
35. Do you believe the school board members should be involved in the day-to-day administrative decisions

36. What is the most important role of the superintendent?
37. How important is it for you to have a trusting relationship with the superintendent? If important, how would you achieve this?
38. Describe the type of relationship you want to have with your fellow board members?
39. Are you educating or did you educate your child in public school, private school, or other alternative education?
40. What public or private organizations have endorsed you and/or contributed to your campaign?
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