
Vote like the lives of your children depend on your doing so!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The 4th Ward Gazette Is A Community Project

It Is about FREEDOM...
It Is about Information and Education
It is about people living, learning, growing
and prospering in the same Country, 
State, County, School, 
yard and home.
It is not about indoctrination or even tolerance. Integration begins in the heart.
Every group that lives in this town 
has a belief system.
Each system has tenants by which believers exist.
If I am not mistaken
Compassion for fellow humans
is pretty high on the list of all belief systems borrowing this small piece of the planet.
We should share the space in harmony without destroying it further. 

The 4th Ward Gazette is dedicated to uplifting the hearts and minds of people long overdue for some success & recognition. It is a warm friendly bear hug for a Community maligned, misunderstood and often neglected. Realizations of empowerment must grow with hope & the desire for prosperity. Young people must understand how information & knowledge are power. It is created to encourage voter registration, Community Organization, and Community Pride. The 4th Ward Gazette seeks Educational Excellence for all in a free public school system. The 4th Ward Gazette is dedicated to helping residents of Englewood find the "Pride of Place" that has all but disappeared. The 4th Ward Gazette encourages residents to work together to keep neighborhoods safe for the children, the elderly or others who might need the help of a good neighbor. In the collage above you will find a tatoo on an arm that impressed me. That is true Pride of Place. 

In the south, back in the day, it went like this: Don't ever forget where you came from.

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