
Vote like the lives of your children depend on your doing so!

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Gross Negligence or Stupidity?


Northern New Jersey is under possible severe weather warnings for this weekend. So why is it that this much protested against worksite has been left like this over the Holiday weekend? Why is this massive crane perched over Englewood and not over the worksite? Why was it not secured? Why was it left over the Holiday? 

Is anyone watching what is going on over there? Is anyone listening to the Residents in the area who have been complaining about construction on this site since before the work even started? 

I would not like this thing hanging about anywhere near my home. As it is, another 4th Ward Resident sent me this photo because he is concerned about his property, his family and neighbors who live in the area?

Is anyone keeping tabs on this work? Is this okay with the powers that be? Who will be held responsible for any property damage or injuries that could occur as a result of this obvious negligence?

Saturday, April 1, 2023

The Loaded Agenda

 Englewood Residents:

Please watch and listen to the latest Englewood City Council Meeting. Pay close attention at the 2 hour 37 minute point. 2:37:14.

Elected Government Officials are totally out of order when they behave as if they have been attacked when Voters point out inequities in their decisions on how to use public money.
It was totally inappropriate for Councilpersons, Dr. Ken Rosensweig and Dr. Lisa Wisotsky to begin a dialogue while sitting on Council, in session that intently mixed the affairs of Church and State.
This discourse took place while the Mother of a murdered Mentally Distressed child sat behind me longing for answers. That Mother had to listen to testimony that suggests that the thing that she dreads has already happened. As she grieves for the loss of her son who was killed by an enraged Policewoman, who seemed in Mental Distress herself, she learns that this Mentally Distressed Policewoman may have already been promoted to Detective.
The statements of these Elected Government Officials urged members of the public to go on Social Media and Stand Up Against the hatred of Jews. It made my heart hurt. I could hear the Mother's breathing change as did mine.
The room became hot with rage, but the desired "reaction" did not come. The Public which was made up of African Americans with only 3 persons lacking melanin, did not take the bait. The meeting continued.
Madame City Council President:
Was it okay to use the "dog whistle of anti-semitism" when they felt tired, intolerant and pressed to provide answers to explain Council decisions? Did that not make you feel uncomfortable?
That loaded agenda was hiding something. Perhaps it was the Resolution that suggests the City Council is for sale. The Developer says that the City has accepted $100,000 to amend the project that they are proposing to build on the Wetlands. Wow! Isn't that interesting. Money makes it okay to develop Flood prone areas. The Council's time and ours must be used more wisely. At least the Board of Education gives us the agenda to review while we wait. We also get to wait in a place where we can sit down and read the agenda. If I remember correctly, that is also what the Council did at one time. Perhaps we should revisit that practice.

Closed Session was so long that one Council Person found it impossible to keep his eyes open once the Public Session commenced. Is that the reason he started a conversation that would have previously caused a riot?
Next time, create a lighter agenda so Council Members won't have to resort to baiting a grieving family to riot so the meeting can be dismissed.