
Vote like the lives of your children depend on your doing so!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Reading is Fundamentally Important

As always, the Democratic line ruled the day. Voters did exactly what they have been programmed to do. They voted the Democratic Line without question, without thinking.

Question is: Is that always wise? Did you ever wonder who controls how one Candidate and not the other gets on that line?

A Candidate who always has the line told me that the line is not that important. Of course not, he was on it. At the same time, he was accusing someone of petitioning against him who was not even on the ballot. Picture That!

That is the reason the Democratic Municipal Committee is SOOOO important. 

The Democratic Committee makes the decision as to which Candidate gets the line. That person almost always WINS the most votes, because Voters have been programmed to read from left to right. This year, the County Democratic Committee interceded w/o explanation and moved people off the line. Why? Good question. Incumbents have traditionally gotten the line as per the Englewood Democratic Municipal Committee decisions. Ask Mr. Lou Stellato why he moved the incumbent Bissondai Ragbir off the line and replaced her with one of Sir Frank Huttle III's people.

There is more than one way to win, however.

There have been irregularities noticed in the past years. There were more to add to the list this year, especially coming out of the County where the County changed the position of persons on the ballot to insure that Sir Frank Huttle III's people got the line. (Thus control of the Democratic Committee and the LINE for future elections.)  Picture That #2

All of the hubbub about the 2nd Ward Race distracted from the real objective which was to continue to stack the Municipal Committee. We did not miss the ploy. Disruptive emails came out every single day that served to rip apart the fabric of neighborhoods, community and the City at large. Now 3 sitting Council people must serve with a person that they tried to destroy. Picture That #3

If one pays attention to the Presidential Race across the Country, especially in places like Nevada, one finds that Municipal Committees have even been de-certified in order to guarantee the outcome. It is just that important to some people to win control.

Englewood is a smaller version of what is going on all over the country. Folks are so engrossed with the Big Buffoon's crazy race for President, they are missing the big picture of what is going on right under our noses in our own hometown.

This year's Primary has focused more attention on the Englewood Democratic Municipal Committee than ever before. This was a grass roots objective. We must continue to educate the 99%. (and that is us) 

Look where voting blindly has gotten us. The age of the mindless minion must end. We must learn to vote the issues and not the Party Line or the person. Hopefully, we will bring more attention to the importance of this issue as time moves on.

That means a win for us. The 1% is not going to take over Englewood any time soon. They have controlled some of us with offers of jobs and money for years. They have priced services like Pool Passes, participation in Recreation Sports and other programs out of our reach. They have given us "Dog Days of Summer" hours at the pool during the times that we are working. There is nothing like getting a gift that  you can never use. Picture That #4

When I was a child in North Carolina, I witnessed the big farmers come around with loads of men of color on the back of pick up trucks. The White Men carried baseball bats, had 12 gauge shotguns up over the visor in the cab and barked orders at my Father and older brothers that made me cringe. When I was 12, I asked my Dad what they were doing. My brothers and some of the older children at school had told me that they were being taken to vote so the big farmers could control the cost of cotton, tobacco and other farm produce.  My Daddy told me that the joke was on them, because no one could go in the voting booth with him. 

He said, "I do what I want when that curtain closes." 
Picture That #5

The 1% may have more money, but dollars do not punch that "X" in the voting booth.

Keep the faith. It did not get this way overnight.

It will not be corrected overnight.

Until November....Get more practice reading....Become unpredictable......

Monday, June 6, 2016

Expect More Than Empty Promises

I hope that everyone has had a chance to examine
the sample ballot.

Residents of 4/2 and all wards and districts should take a moment more when voting this year. Change the pattern. Instead of starting at the top and checking all boxes down to the bottom without reading the names, do something different.

Start at the bottom and read the names. Think about all of the promises, the rhetoric and mud slinging that has taken place over the last month.

If you received a flyer today with a photo of a person who told you all the great things that he/she has done for you over the last 7 - 8 years, take a moment to reflect. Is that true? Do you have any idea who that person is? Would that person even have bothered to ask for your vote if there had been no challenge to his or her candidacy in 2016?

It all boils down to whether you think the jobs described have been what was best for you and yours. Whom did it serve? Do you know either of those people?

Whatever the results of the Election tomorrow, I will continue to work for the good of my community.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hell Naw...To the Naw, Naw, Naw!

OneEnglewood is losing its luster

Our Divine Ruler and Feudal Knight is
sparing among the nobles causing
dissentsion among the people.

Outsource Repercussions are STILL ripping apart the 
fabric of our neighborhoods. 

Madness. Manipulations, using the less fortunate as tools.
Scared to allow the political machine to work.


Stop slaughtering the Democratic process
with promises of patronage work and dollars
under the table.


Not a chance...

Too much mud on the camera lens.

"This town needs an enema." The Joker

Riddle me that Batman....

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Friday, the 13th, Really?

UPDATE: The Dedication of the Jack Drakeford Firehouse will take place 
at 11 am, May 14, 2016 
on Jack's birthday.

It is hoped that it will not take 47 years for his name to appear on the Firehouse. It took the 
Board of Education 47 years to put Martin Luther King Jr.'s name on the South building 
on the DMHS Campus and it is smaller than the other 2 names that appear on 
HS buildings.  Just an observation.
Did you know that they are dedicating the new Fire House to Jack Drakeford on Friday, the 13th at 11 am?

The man who represented the working class will be honored at a time when the working class will not be able to attend.

To top it off, he will be honored on a bad luck day, Friday, the 13th, when his birthday is on Saturday, the 14th.

What is the message being sent out to the 4th Ward people he represented for so many years? Is it being sent out loud and clear that we are not wanted there or that if we care we can take the morning off?

What is up with that Frank Huttle III and Englewood City Council?

Jack's name is there, carved in stone.
What can I say?
It is probably asking too much for us
to be able to actually see it.