
Vote like the lives of your children depend on your doing so!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Attention: 3rd Ward Residents 
Thursday, May 22, 2014 - 7:30 pm
Bring your questions
to 73 So. Van Brunt Street
Question the Candidates who are
running for City Council.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

In Honor of Women's History Month: Author Penny Colman



The Englewood Historical Society will hold its Annual Meeting on Wednesday, March 12, at 7:15 PM in the Mackay Room of the Englewood Public Library.  In honor of Women’s History Month, a highlight will be guest speaker Penny Colman, who will be giving a talk about women who have been commemorated with landmarks and statuary. The EHS will hold a short business meeting before Colman’s talk.

Colman, an inspiring speaker and award-winning author of many books and magazine articles, specializes in non-fiction stories about notable women in history.  For this event, her talk, “Remembering Women Who Made A Difference,” will be about the markers, monuments, and memorials to women she has photographed around the tri-state area, including  Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosie the Riveter, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.  Colman says, “I always have my camera with me ... you never know when you’ll find a little-known memorial.  In more than twenty years of road trips in search of women’s history landmarks, I have photographed stunning statues, moving memorials, gorgeous gardens, important buildings, revelatory plaques, unexpected street signs, and fascinating displays to historic women.” 

Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society, taking place in March in the United States, The United Kingdom, and Australia.  It grew out of a small-town school event in California and is now part of the calendar in those countries.

The Englewood Historical Society is always looking for history lovers who would like to take an active part in promoting our local history, and welcomes them to our meetings and programs.  This meeting is open to all at no charge.

- Norman Davis

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Grandma And The One Man Garbage Truck

All of this snow made me think of a recent purchase our City Council just made. One man garbage trucks. The man will sit inside and operate a lift that picks up the giant can and dumps the garbage into the truck. I thought about that one man garbage truck and how an over sixty year old grandmother is supposed to get a 90 gallon can down from the side of the house to the street and back up again in weather like this. So what do you think? Will you be able to maneuver that giant can down to the street in the snow and ice? Is your driveway that wide? Will you be able to shovel a space big enough? 
What about those emails telling us to keep our cars off the street? Okay, how do we do both of those things? Cars off the street and move the garbage can down to the corner. 
Don't forget to shovel a place for that giant garbage can now folks. 
Even on days without snow, the can will not fit without moving the car, but the car cannot be on the street. It will be in the way of the new and thoroughly modern One Man Garbage Truck. Egads!

The gate opens out.

How is the 90 gallon can supposed to get to
the street and back up again?
Please explain.
I did not get the answer last time I asked.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

This is what comes with state control....

Dwight Morrow High School is designated a Focus School
Because of low test scores
If scores do not go up and the Achievement GAP widens
Dwight Morrow High School will be designated a Priority School.
State control comes with the designation of Priority School.
Low test scores in any school in Englewood and the state of New Jersey
will earn said school the designation of Focus or Priority School.
As Focus Schools improve they become Reward Schools.
Governor Christie's "Failure Factories" are Priority Schools.
These schools are closing all over America. 
Dwight Morrow High School is not immune'

Get caught up on issues that will impact every single school district in New Jersey.