In April 2013, the "Pro Outsourcing" Board Members still outnumbered our grass roots Candidates. It took only 5 School Board Members to move the School Board Elections to November where they have been lost in Partisanship ever since. The Pro Outsourcing Board even took a vote in the very first meeting to block 2 of our newly elected Board Members from voting on Personnel issues. This happened in April of 2013, before the end of the month in which the so called blip occurred. Very much the same way Mitch McConnell handcuffed Barak Obama, the Pro Outsourcing Members handcuffed 2 of the newly elected Board Members on the issue of Personnel. There have been no more blips since then. Did the General Election's Partisan atmosphere do what many projected it would?
This Grandmother was very glad to see 2 Ballots when I opened that envelope and learned that the Partisan Election had been separated on paper, at least.