Update: Political signs on the median on Palisade Avenue.
I recently wrote an article addressing the issue of the political litter on Public Property during campaign season. The lawn signs were just too overpowering and in our faces.
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Then... |
On May 7, 2018, there were just as many Phil Meisner signs (The Real Democrat) as there were Michael Wildes
(the Regular Democrat). Now all of the Meisner signs are gone. I didn't move them. I swear. I don't know who did. This is my neighborhood and I travel with my camera. Someone took them away under the cover of darkness, it seems. The signs started disappearing yesterday. By late afternoon today, the median had been stripped of Phil Meisner signs
Then..... |
That is very interesting, one wonders whether misguided Wildes people moved them. Or misguided Meisner people moved them and are saying that the other side did it. It is the wild west in Englewood these days.
This has been one of the most contentious Mayoral Primary campaigns in a long time. Michael Wildes came out claiming his relationship with Melania Trump to get that out of the way. He is her immigration attorney. We have all seen footage of him standing against deporting families in the fashion that has already started.
Phil came out from the very beginning talking more about the current Mayor than about himself. We want to know about him. Phil seems to prefer we call him Frank Huttle's ally and colleague rather than his employee. The entire Meisner campaign has consisted of throwing stones, political bombshells just short of race baiting and casting aspersions on his opponents connection to the Trumps. Hell, I would have gone to the Inaugural Ball, if invited, and I despised #45 when his claim to fame was firing people on TV.
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Now to the target, race baiting mailers. My 9 year old grandson is the one who picked up the mail on his way into the house on the day that the violent Charlottesville images came into select homes. He had already met Michael Wildes and decided right away that he no longer liked him, because he was Donald Trump's friend. He said that he was going to vote for Phil and stuck to it. The 11 year old stuck to her guns also, she liked Mike. Now that the kids know exactly what is going on and want to be part of it, we keep all of the "very expensive glossies" together. They have read every single one. What a waste of dollars, enough to feed several families for a month. Today we got another one. We read it together and added it to the group.
Something has changed.
Now... |
The 9 year old was previously
adamant about Phil being his
favorite candidate. He could not get the image of Michael and the cheater (that is what he calls Donald Trump) out of his little mind. I asked him recently if there was anything that could change his mind about whom he would vote and his answer surprised me.
Now...... |
Yes. He said, "he can give me chips!" This made me laugh so hard I got a headache. You have no idea how much this boy loves chips. I overheard him speaking to his Mom one night. He told her that he loves her more than chips. Later, I asked my daughter, his mother, if she had any idea how much that is.
He says that the only things he negotiates with are kind people, with candy and chips. So we need some chips over here Michael Wildes. Utz Sour Cream and Onion with ridges.
.......And how are the children?