
Vote like the lives of your children depend on your doing so!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

That Little Blue Slip In Your TAX BILL!

New Jersey Tax Payers - Especially Homeowners:

Perk up and listen when you hear the phrase TAX ABATEMENT. 

It forces the County to rely on that little blue slip that appeared in our recent tax bill, because they still need to to get theirs. There is only one pot of money. 
On careful examination of the big picture one finds that these ABATEMENTS cause all of the services used by us (lower income taxpayers, especially those with children) to go through the roof. Regressive TaxationA tax that takes a larger percentage of income from low-income groups than from high-income groups.

It is a silent danger that is raising a ruckus against PUBLIC EDUCATION.

Especially in places like Jersey City, Paterson, Newark, Camden, Asbury Park, Elizabeth, you get the gist.
Google it...You need to know how...Even if ya don't like to read, you should read this...The next time you find yourself being asked to vote for City Council members, this report should come to mind and help you form some questions. How does it benefit residents to have DEVELOPERS get TAX ABATEMENTS for 25 years?...It doesn't...Question is, who benefits? The recepient of your disdain...or your vote?

Saturday, September 21, 2013


At the risk of sounding like a Smart Ass, they may have at least put this very serious threat on a full sheet of paper with the letter head of the Municipality. I guess this is what you get when the person sending out the tax bill is a perfect stranger who lives in another town.

Is this Municipal bullying? What would happen if every Englewood Resident paid the Property taxes for this November quarter after November 15th. 

Oh no, then they will be forced to use our tax dollars to pay for more ad space in the newspaper!


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The City Hires Local Landscaping Business to Repair Garden

I got a call this morning early informing me 
that a local Landscaper had been hired by the 
City and was tilling the 
Lafayette/Genesee Historic Garden Site.
It was very welcome news.