How do we build a successful School Board that interprets to the staff the aspirations of the community for its school? How do we build a School Board that responds to the needs of the "People" and holds the "Achievement of ALL students" as priority above all else?
2. Learn and use the OPRA PROCESS. (Open Public Records Act)
3. Learn and use the Open Public Meetings Act law.
4. Read and Learn about THE SCHOOL ETHICS COMMISSION and the School Ethics Act.
5. Learn to write and to file ETHICS VIOLATIONS using the official School Ethics Complaint forms from the New Jersey State Department of Education.
6. Make sure that the Board appoints a Delegate and an Alternate to the New Jersey School Boards Association during reorganization. (Reorganization meeting is held after the School Board election.)
7. Make sure the Superintendent is evaluated on a yearly basis, in writing, in a public meeting, based on whether the Goals and Objectives the Board and the Superintendent set together are met.
8. Demand to see this written evaluation form. If you must, OPRA (request in writing) the evaluation form in the finished version.
9. Write and file ETHICS VIOLATIONS on Board Members when they are seen involved in activities that are outlined as infractions by the School Ethics Commission. Read the frequently asked questions and answers about filing ethics violations.
10. Support the teachers, principals and Superintendents when they are hard working professionals and the results of their hard work is evident in the success of the students.
11. Make sure that all School Board Members get the training that is mandated and required. Praise them when they go beyond the requirement and positive results in student achievement are evident.
12. Read and understand the role of the New Jersey School Boards Association. If a School Board shuts out this organization, it is very suspicious and against the law. Taxpayers pay over $26,000.00 per year for the serices of the New Jersey School Boards Association. This is the organization that trains the School Board Members in the state of New Jersey after we elect them. When more of the community understands what the School Board is supposed to do, we will have a better school system, with more effective employees and smarter more well trained children.
Open Public Meetings Act..What Boards should know about Education.
Education Matters: Annual Goal Setting
Education Matters: Legal Aspects of Board Service
The Chief School Administrator Evaluation Process
The Process of Evaluating the School Superintendent