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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Does Englewood Have a Certified Planning Board?

Did you know that there is NJ State mandated training for Planning & Zoning Board Members?Research suggests that not all of our Planning Board Members and the Zoning Board of Adjustment have completed this mandatory training.  Why are they still allowed to vote?

My question is this.....Are any of the decisions that our appointed Planning Board has made valid under NJ Law? If the members know nothing about the Municipal Land Use Law, how are they functioning as Planning Board Members? Is this the reason that the Members seem to be following a script? Who is the Author of this little Drama?

"On July 7, 2005 an act providing for the mandatory, one-time training of planning and zoning board (and consolidated land use board) members was signed into law. (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-23.3 and 23.4) The training consists of five contact hours within the same calendar day. Areas of study include: the roles and responsibilities of planning and zoning board members under the MLUL, understanding the master plan and sub-elements and its relationship to other local, regional and state planning documents and the local development application review process. Each participant will complete a simple standardized test at the end of the course. All board members are required to satisfactorily complete this course..."
Is the Englewood, NJ Planning Board Functioning contrary to NJ Law?

The Law: